Jakarta, 9 November 2021 – The commitment of PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (Telkom) to support Covid-19 response efforts yielded good results with domestic and international recognitions. Telkom won three awards in The 3rd ASEAN PR Excellence Award 2021. The prestigious award  ceremony was held online (5/11).

Telkom won the Gold award for the Best Comm Use of Social Platform category with the #VaksinKerenAbis (#VaccineReallyCool) program and Bronze for the Best Covid-19 Related Response category with the Face Masks for Deaf Friends program. On top of that, Telkom Vice President of Corporate Communication won the highest accolade, the Diamond award for the Best PR Practitioners category.

Telkom Vice President of Corporate Communication, Pujo Pramono expressed his gratitude for the recognitions that the Asean PR Network, as the organizer of The 3rd ASEAN PR Excellence Award 2021, awarded to Telkom. “These awards are dedicated to the entire Telkom Corporate Communication team for their spirit of hard and smart work and their performance to make the best contribution to the company, stakeholders, and the entire nation. This will be a motivation for us to continue to innovate and work for a better Indonesia,” Pujo said.

As a leading state-owned and digital telecommunications company, Telkom continues to proactively and consistently support the Government in the national Covid-19 response efforts and national economic recovery. Telkom’s support includes providing connectivity, dashboards, and applications, products and services as well as social assistance.

The #VaksinKerenAbis is an innovative campaign that Telkom initiated in collaboration with content creators to produce a comedy video about their views on vaccines. The video contains a message which took into account the diversity of information required for a diverse audience especially those on safety, halal, effectiveness, and equitable distribution and priority vaccine recipients. The video also shows examples expected to educate the public about  the importance of adhering to health protocols after receiving the Covid-19 vaccine to protect themselves and those around them.

To maintain the #VaksinKerenAbis campaign effectiveness, Telkom selected content creators based on regions that had low vaccine acceptance rates, namely Padang (Sumatra), Makassar (Sulawesi), and Java, based on the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia’s survey. Telkom produced innovative video clips using a cultural approach that featured the content creators speaking in local dialects as much as possible to build a strong psychological connection between the community with the #VaksinKerenAbis campaign.

In addition to #VaksinKerenAbis campaign, Telkom also initiated a Face Mask for Deaf Friends campaign, which provided assistance for the deaf with transparent face masks in May 2020. The transparent mask for the deaf was especially designed and produced to make it easier for deaf people to communicate so that their lips movement when speaking would be visible without them having to open their face masks. Telkom collaborated with micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSME), which were affected by the pandemic, to produce these transparent masks. It was also one of Telkom’s efforts to empower the MSMEs, which contribute significantly to the Indonesian economy. For this campaign, Telkom collaborated with the Movement for the Welfare of the Deaf Indonesia (GERKATIN) as a partner to distribute the transparent masks to deaf people in various parts of Indonesia quickly and to the right target recipients. 

"We will continue to strive for the best contribution that accelerates the Covid-19 response efforts and national economic recovery. With the spirit of togetherness, Telkom is optimistic that the Indonesian people can get through this period well," Pujo said.

The 3rd ASEAN PR Excellence Award 2021 is organized by the ASEAN PR Network. It recognizes public relations and communication practitioners from ASEAN countries who have successfully implemented their public relations programs, with proven positive impact for the companies and for the society. This year, there were 10 award categories to be competed; Best PR Program, Best PR Practitioners, Best PR Agencies, Best PR Campaign, Best Crisis Management, Best Media Company Supporting PR and Communication Industry, Best Government PR, Best Covid-19 Related Response , Best Comm Use of Virtual Platforms, and Best Comm Use of Social Media.

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