As part of a BUMN, Telkom places compliance and adherence to applicable regulations as the foundation for implementing good corporate governance. By adhering to the principle of compliance with all regulations, Telkom believes this will positively impact the smooth running of business activities, minimize operational and other risks, and enhance the Company’s reputation.
Telkom has implemented various compliance programs, including:
- Compliance Training Program: Telkom provides compliance training to all employees on a regular basis.
- Whistleblowing Program: Telkom provides a safe and trusted violation reporting channel for employees.
- Due Diligence Program: Telkom carries out due diligence on all potential business partners before establishing collaboration.
In terms of business competition, Telkom recorded no monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings related to anti-competitive behavior regulations throughout 2023. Furthermore, Telkom is committed to fair business competition, adhering to prudence principles in product development to ensure compliance with business competition regulations.
As a leading company in Indonesia, Telkom and its subsidiaries have adopted ethical business competition practices with no record of violations related to monopoly or business competition regulations under the 1999 Business Competition Law.
Policy for Preventing Corruption, Bribery, and Fraud
TelkomGroup adheres to principles of anti-corruption, collusion, and nepotism. This commitment is realized through the implementation of anti-fraud policies. Members of the Board of Directors, Commissioners, and employees at Band I-III (specifically Kakandatel) are required to submit the State Administrator’s Assets Report (LHKPN).
The company routinely conducts anti-corruption and anti-fraud outreach, along with SMAP e-learning, and targets ISO 37001:2016 SMAP (Anti-Bribery Management System) certification for all subsidiaries by 2024.
Telkom consistently upholds business ethics standards and prioritizes transparency in operations, which includes developing the Telkom Integrity Line as a whistleblowing system (WBS). Reports deemed appropriate according to the criteria and procedures set out in the WBS are thoroughly followed up.
Business Ethics
Telkom conducts its operations in accordance with ethical and fair business practices in the telecommunications industry. Telkom’s commitment to integrity and transparency is reflected in every aspect of the business, from customer service to interactions with partners and communities. The company prioritizes compliance with strict regulations and industry standards while respecting consumer rights and privacy.
TelkomGroup Business Ethics Guidelines are stipulated in Directors’ Decree No. PD.201.01/r.00/PS150/COP-B04000000/2014 concerning Business Ethics in the TelkomGroup Environment.
Telkom has a comprehensive policy for corruption, bribery, and fraud prevention that aligns with applicable laws in Indonesia. Since 2006, Telkom has implemented a whistleblowing system designed to receive, review, and follow up on complaints from stakeholders while maintaining the confidentiality of the reporters.
Privacy Protection and Data Security
Telkom has a comprehensive privacy and data security policy regulating how the company collects, uses, and protects customer data. This policy aligns with Indonesian laws such as Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions (UU ITE) and the Ministerial Regulation of Communication and Information Technology Number 12 of 2016 concerning Personal Data Protection.
In 2023, Telkom established a Data Protection sub-department to enhance the protection of customer data, internal company data, and supplier/business partner data. Throughout 2023, there were no data breach incidents or legal proceedings related to customer privacy.
Preventive measures include developing a Cyber Security Operation Center (CSOC) for monitoring and responding to information security incidents, routine cybersecurity testing, and mandatory cybersecurity-related training for employees.