The Launching of neuCentrIX Candi in Semarang
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Telkom Indonesia has always been committed in working towards unlocking Indonesia’s greater potential to be Asia’s and the world’s next digital powerhouse. By building infrastructures and platforms, granting people easier and more affordable access to digital connectivity, Telkom Indonesia contributes to the development of Indonesia’s digital capabilities and ecosystem, helping the nation become an essential part of the world’s digital economy. 

As a part of this commitment, Telkom Indonesia proudly launched the Data Center Neutral Cloud and Internet Exchange (neuCentrIX) Candi, its 11th and latest data center on 11 November 2020. Located in Candisari, the heart of Semarang, neuCentrIX Candi is the first data center in Central Java and the second in the Regional IV, and has been especially built to fulfill the demands of small and medium enterprises, enterprise customers, and government institutions.

The launching event was led by Mr. Dian Rachmawan, Telkom Director of Wholesale & International Service (“WINS”), and continued with remarks by Mr. Djatmiko (Executive Vice President of Telkom Regional IV), attended by Mr. Priyo Suyono (Chief of APJII in Central Java), the representative from GMEDIA (Internet Service Provider), the representative from DigiTiket (start up company), and the representatives from Dinas Kominfo of Semarang. In his speech, Mr. Dian Rachmawan emphasized the potential of the market in Central Java and how neuCentrIX Candi can benefit users and support the growth of the local digital economy. This is proved by the number of 118 STUs in Central Java (reaching 90% of capacity) that have switched to the new method.

He stated, “Let’s transform neuCentrIX into a ‘home’ that delivers ‘Anything as a Service (XaaS)’, not only colocation racks, power, and connectivity. All (businesses and service providers): CAPs, OTTs, digital players, and startups that need access to the eyeballs (internet users) have to be a part of the data center.” Meanwhile, Mr. Djatmiko expressed his hopes for the empowerment of start-up companies for the future of the digital ecosystem in Indonesia. "This is very important because it concerns Telkom's future, more specifically the future of Indonesian digital ecosystem," said Djatmiko.

With 20 racks ready, neuCentrIX Candi offers a wide range of main services which are suitable for various types of businesses including carrier-neutral colocation, connectivity, and cloud services. Adding to that, to ensure optimal performance and delivery, these main services are supported by a number of additional services and facilities such as security management system, Public IP, cross connectivity, cooling system technology, Meet-Me Room, and network operation control. All these internationally standardized services completed with world class facilities are customizable to fulfill different demands and guarantee convenience for each of its clients.

As its 11th data center, neuCentrIX Candi exists as a part of Telkom Indonesia’s plan to build 14 data centers across the country. Since 2019, neuCentrIX have established 11 data centers located in Jakarta, Medan, Batam, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Balikpapan, Surabaya, Denpasar, Makassar, Manado, and now Semarang. Three more data centers potentially located in Meruya, Pekanbaru, and Banjarmasin are planned to be launched in 2021. In addition, as the second data center in Telkom Region IV Central Java, following the first one in Kotabaru, Yogyakarta, neuCentrIX Candi is trusted to bring a bigger transformation in the life of people in the area.

The existence of neuCentrIX data centers in strategic locations across Indonesia is hoped to provide a solution to the nation’s needs for digital agility and a strong digital ecosystem. As it aggregates service, network, and content providers from all over the world to reach more than 265 million Indonesians through a seamless, secure, and reliable network, neuCentrIX is directed to become a global digital hub to bringing out Indonesia’s greatest potential and increasing the nation’s digital competitiveness, hence moving Indonesia forward.