Telkomsigma Cloud Service, Overcome the Complexity and Challenges of Digitizing the Healthcare Industry in Indonesia
Posted on : 2022-04-01 | Tags :

Photo caption: Graha Telkomsigma II Building in Tangerang (Dok. Telkomsigma).


Jakarta, 1 April 2022 – Ensuring equal access to health services for every community is essential and requires systematic management. The community’s growing demand for simplified access to health services is even more evident especially during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The complexity of the ecosystem, data, and operational business processes in the healthcare industry are some challenges that showed there was a need for a technology-based system and governance to help this industry towards sustainable health development, and to improve the performance of services to the community.

Another challenge is related to data security since online medical records are confidential data that require security and storage on a secure server. There is also a factor to consider about data integration from various parties and entities in regards to the distribution chain and healthcare business. The large number and variation of the population health data is a task for the government to carry out a centralized management in order to achieve a single truth of data, through the One Indonesian Health Data program.

One of the important foundations to respond to these challenges is the existence of an adequate digital infrastructure despite the challenges of managing the complexity of ecosystems, data, and operational business. Telkomsigma, through its Cloud Services portfolio business, provides cloud infrastructure services and technology platforms that can visualize analytical results on One Health Data processed through the big data platform at the Ministry of Health based on the needs of each health service facility. The visualization of the data displayed through One Health Data is quite diverse and will assist decision-making stakeholders in taking steps on government policies .


Cloud Based Digital Infrastructure Support

The presence of the largest eyeball and multi-backbone network from PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (Telkom) supports cloud technology infrastructure in the One Health Data system. These advantages make Telkomsigma cloud services able to carry out the functions of self-service automation, optimization, analytics, as well as cloud brokerage for its users.

In terms of cloud model adoption, the One Health Data system uses a private cloud model equipped with available infrastructure and PaaS in terms of service scalability and reliability.

The development of a cloud-native application platform is also carried out on One Health Data to ensure an active-active solution so that it supports end-to-end cloud adoption. Likewise, migration of IaaS services and applications to the cloud can be done through cloud manage & professional services .

All capabilities of Telkomsigma 's cloud portfolio are balanced with compliance aspects and data security standards in data center operations, cloud security, cloud platform layers, and applications.


Drive the Acceleration of Healthcare Digitization

Cloud solutions are considered to be the answer to the need for digitization in a very complex healthcare ecosystem. Cloud is also the key to success that can meet digital criteria in an effective way without forgetting the aspects of efficiency and flexibility.

Telkomsigma's contribution to the One Health Data program is realized through the achievement of accelerated digitization of healthcare in Indonesia, especially in the process of handling Covid-19 through the One Data Vaccine and Cares Protect program.

Through cloud services, the management of very large volumes of health data is also more concise and faster. That way, cloud implementation on the One Health Data system also has a positive impact on the effectiveness of complex operational performance.

From the consumer and community point of view, cloud implementation will also have an impact on improving the customer experience index and service excellence through the existence of digital platforms and integrated applications that are ready to operate in real-time, always on, and flexibly.


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