TelkomGroup To Build Disaster Command Post in Aceh
Posted on : 2016-12-08 | Tags :

Following up on the emergency aid after the earthquake in Aceh as well as to speed up the distribution of aid to the victims, PT Telkom Indonesia (Telkom) within the framework of state-owned enterprises for the Present State, has established the Disaster Command Post in Pidie Jaya, Aceh. This post will coordinate the various aid collected by SOE.

Vice President Corporate Communication Telkom Arif Prabowo said, given the scale of damage caused by the earthquake in Pidie Jaya, Aceh that occurred Wednesday morning, state-owned Indonesia has coordinated as soon as possible to collect and distribute aid to people affected by the earthquake.
According to Arif, TelkomGroup which has been designated as one of the coordinators, help SOE in collaboration with the local authorities to set up three shelters, where one post functioned as the main post to coordinate the aid of state-owned enterprises and the other two posts functioned as a soup kitchen and shelter refugees.
These posts provide medicines free light and telephone facilities. "Telkom has allocated assistance worth USD 500 million. The funds will be deployed to third operational command post during the next five days as well as the provision of basic food and medicine, "said Arif Prabowo.
According to Arif, these posts is expected to aid delivery of state-owned enterprises and can be distributed more effectively and in accordance with the needs in the field. As for people who need assistance or information may come to the Post-Earthquake Aceh SOEs, at Plasa Telkom Meureudu. Jl. Iskandar Muda Meureudu Pidie Jaya with the Post Telephone Number: 0653-51200.
Alluding to the common kitchen, it opened two public kitchens, each located at Pesantren Al-Hijrah, the Village (village) Mesjid Tuha subdistrict Meureudu Meuredu City and Mosque Jamik Ulim Pidie Jaya subdistrict.
In addition to a soup kitchen and shelter, TelkomGroup immediately after the disaster, have also fielded TERRA or TelkomGroup Emergency Response and Recovery Activity in order to provide help and provide assistance to communities affected by disasters.

Situasi pengobatan dan pengecekan kesehatan oleh tenaga medis Yayasan Kesehatan Telkom Group kepada masyarakat Pidie Jaya yang terkena dampak gempa di Posko pesantren Al Hijrah Masjid Tuha Kecamatan Meureudu Kabupaten Pidie Jaya, Kamis (8/12).