Telkom Supports PERPAMSI in Digitizing Region-Owned Water Companies Across Indonesia
Posted on : 2020-09-20 | Tags :

Telkom Enterprise & Business Service Director, Edi Witjara (far right) with Board of Directors of Perumda Tirta Raharja and the national board members of Association of Indonesian Drinking Water Companies (PERPAMSI) witnessed the try-out of the Smart Metering solution on a dashboard that showed an integrated data of drinking water management at the Tirta Raharja Drinking Water Treatment Center, Cipageran, Cimahi, West Java, on Friday (18/9). 

Telkom Enterprise & Business Service Director, Edi Witjara (center) visited the Tirta Raharja Drinking Water Treatment Center, Cipageran, Cimahi, West Java, on Friday (18/9).


Jakarta, 20 September 2020 – The COVID-19 pandemic seems to have given an impetus for business people to come up with various innovations. PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk as a state-owned telecommunications company supports the emgergence of such innovations and seeks to contribute through the use of technology so that these innovations can develop even better and benefit the society.

Such contribution is a collaboration that Telkom forged with Bandung district-owned water company (PDAM Bandung) to digitize its operations, including an integrated billing system, centralized database, and water management dashboard. Telkom had a try-out of the Smart Metering solution at the Tirta Raharja Drinking Water Treatment Center, Cipageran, Cimahi, West Java, on Friday (18/9), witnessed by Telkom Enterprise & Business Service Director, Edi Witjara, Perumda Tirta Raharja Director, and the national board of the Association of Indonesian Drinking Water Companies (PERPAMSI). 

Perumda Tirta Raharja President Director Rudie Kusmayadi, who is also PERPAMSI chairman, said he welcomed the installation of Smart Metering solution for water management. "Perumda Tirta Raharja is testing an IoT-based Smart Metering technology from Telkom and the results are very satisfying," Rudie said, as he showed a screen dashboard that displays various data related to integrated water treatment.

"We hope that we can implement this immediately, not only in Tirta Raharja but in all PDAM members of PERPAMSI accross Indonesia,” Rudie added. 

Telkom Enterprise & Business Service Director, Edi Witjara, reiterated Telkom’s commitment to PERPAMSI's innovative steps in implementing IoT-based Smart Metering. "Telkom is committed to supporting PERPAMSI's innovation to utilize this Smart Metering. We have prepared various Smart Metering solutions that use the LoRaWan network and the Antares platform, to ensure the reliability of these solutions. This solution can also be used for other utility services, such as gas and electricity,” Edi said after witnessing the trial, accompanied by the Telkom Executive Vice President of Business Service Division, Syaifudin and Telkom Executive Vice President for West Java Region III, Mohamad Khamdan. Telkom has also been able to have a full implementation trial or proof of concept at PDAM Tirta Benteng Tangerang.

PERPAMSI is an organization for drinking water companies (PDAMs) across Indonesia, which also assembles agencies/institutions related to the drinking water sector, such as the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) and donor agencies for the dirinking water companies. There are about 427 regional drinking water companies operating in almost every city and district in Indonesia listed as members. In accordance with its mission, PERPAMSI has a strategic function to encourage PDAMs to have an excellent performance.

Telkom and PERPAMSI expected that their collaboration, which includes connectivity-based and managed solutions services such as smart meters, leak detector systems, fraud prevention, water quality monitoring and command centers, would be able to improve the PDAMs’ operations to become more efficient, advanced and modern.