Telkom Launches ESG 2024 as Part of TelkomGroup's Transformation
Posted on : 2023-11-17 | Tags :

ESG Telkom

Vice Governor of Yogyakarta Special Region KGPAA Paku Alam X (right) and Telkom President Director Ririek Adriansyah during the launch of EXIST (ESG Existence for Sustainability by Telkom Indonesia) in Yogyakarta on Thursday (16/11).

ESG Telkom

Telkom President Director Ririek Adriansyah (left), Telkom Finance & Risk Management Director Heri Supriadi (right), and UNDP Indonesia's SDG Mover Chelsea Islan (center) during the launch of EXIST (ESG Existence for Sustainability by Telkom Indonesia), which is part of the Telkom ESG Day event series in Yogyakarta, on Thursday (16/11).


ESG Telkom

Vice Governor of Yogyakarta Special Region KGPAA Paku Alam X (right) and Telkom President Director Ririek Adriansyah (left) launched the EXIST program (ESG Existence for Sustainability by Telkom Indonesia) in Yogyakarta on Thursday (16/11) with Telkom's Board of Directors and Subsidiaries' Directors in attendance.


ESG Telkom

(From left to right) Telkom Finance & Risk Management Director Heri Supriadi, Telkom President Director Ririek Adriansyah, Village Head of Girikerto Sudibyo, Military District Commander 03/Turi Sleman Captain (Arm.) Wahyu Kuncoro, and UNDP Indonesia's SDG Mover Chelsea Islan had a chat after the symbolic planting of 1,000 tree seedlings in Girikerto Village as part of the Telkom ESG Day activities in Yogyakarta, on Thursday (16/11).


It is a manifestation of Telkom's commitment to realizing an ESG-based future by creating positive impacts on the environment and society through innovative services and solutions.  


Yogyakarta, 17 November 2023 - Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) has now become a source of value creation and a responsibility for corporations to implement to support their performance as well as initiatives in maintaining sustainability.

PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (Telkom), as a state-owned enterprise and a leading digital telecommunication company, contributes to this commitment with an increased focus on ESG management and implementation by launching the EXIST program (ESG Existence for Sustainability by Telkom Indonesia), on Thursday (16/11). Vice Governor of Yogyakarta Special Region, KGPAA Paku Alam X, and Telkom President Director Ririek Adriansyah launched the program, accompanied by Telkom Finance and Risk Management Director, Heri Supriadi, as well as Telkom Group Business Development Director, Honesti Basyir, and the directors of Telkom's subsidiaries. The launch was part of the Telkom ESG Day activities held in Yogyakarta.

Telkom President Director Ririek Adriansyah said he hoped the ESG implementation could continue to optimize, not only for companies but also for the interests of the nation and the country. "The implementation of ESG involves many stakeholders to ensure its ongoing sustainability. Today's event is also expected to strengthen the relationship with the Yogyakarta Regional Government in supporting the success of Telkom's ESG. We hope that with ESG, Indonesia can become an environmentally friendly and sustainable country and a healthy place to live for all of us. So that we can leave something good for our grandchildren," Ririek said.

At the same time, the Vice Governor of Yogyakarta Special Region, KGPAA Paku Alam X, conveyed the appreciation from the Governor of Yogyakarta Special Region, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X, for Telkom's ESG implementation, especially in Yogyakarta. "The Yogyakarta Regional Government fully supports Telkom in efforts to develop the region. Let us continue to join hands together, building a more advanced and sustainable society. Thank you for establishing this cooperation; may this activity be the starting point for even greater positive steps," Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X said in a written message delivered by KGPAA Paku Alam X.

EXIST embodies Telkom's spirit in realizing a future based on ESG, aimed at achieving sustainable business by creating positive impacts on the environment and society through its innovative services and solutions. ESG Telkom, through EXIST, is built on three main pillars: Environmental, Social, and Governance.

In the Environmental pillar, Telkom, along with all its subsidiaries and affiliates, is committed to supporting the government's target of achieving Net Zero emissions by 2060. This commitment includes implementing waste management programs such as "Jaga Bumi" by Telkom Property and Telkomsel. TelkomGroup also strives to reduce emissions, including the use of solar panels in Telkomsel's BTS, Telkom Infra, and Mitratel. Telkom also provides more support through the use of lithium batteries for Mitratel towers and the construction of green data centers by NeutraDC.

In the Social pillar, Telkom supports diversity of talents through recruitment programs for employees with disabilities, as well as the development of digital talents aligned with the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises' priority programs for 2020-2024. Lastly, the Governance pillar represents Telkom's efforts to build trust among stakeholders, including customers, on the security and protection of customers' personal data and business ethics.

In addition to the launch of EXIST, Telkom ESG Day also featured several activities, including sharing sessions by internal and external experts, namely Director of Climate & Sustainability at Deloitte Indonesia, Alstair Bharata, and UNDP Indonesia's SDG Mover, Chelsea Islan. This initiative serves as Telkom's effort to educate the public and participants, especially about the crucial role of ESG for future generations.

Efforts to Preserve Nature by Planting 1,000 Seedlings in Girikerto Village

As part of the Telkom ESG Day activities, Telkom also planted 1,000 tree seedlings in Girikerto Village, with Village Head, Sudibyo in attendance.

Girikerto Village is a water buffer village in the Mount Merapi area, where its water sources are vital for life and must be preserved. Moreover, the village also has an agricultural development program to plant fruits covering 4.03 hectares. It aims to improve the locals' standard of living by planting productive crops and generating sustainable economic impacts (circular economy).

"The planting of these seedlings marks the beginning of Telkom's commitment to implementing ESG. We hope that what we do will be sustainable and benefit all of us," Ririek said.
