Telkom Ensures Data Security and Status Authenticity in Home-Developed PeduliLindungi Platform
Posted on : 2021-09-14 | Tags :

Jakarta, 14 September 2021 – PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. ensures the authenticity and security of the PeduliLindung platform as a 100% application developed by the best Indonesian developers. As a home-developed platform, PeduliLindungi's security is guaranteed since all its data is stored at the National Data Center (PDN) located in the country and managed by the Ministry of Communication and Information. 

This affirmation came in response to widespread misinformation on data security and the authenticity of PeduliLindungi as a national application. Policy makers such as the Ministry of SOEs, the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, the Ministry of Health, and the National Cyber ??and Crypto Agency (BSSN) reaffirmed that PeduliLindungi's data security is running optimally and comprehensively by.

PeduliLindung application is a collaboration between the Ministry of SOEs, the Ministry of Communication and Information and the Ministry of Health, which subsequently appointed Telkom as the app developer. 

Telkom Indonesia Senior Vice President Corporate Communication & Investor Relations Ahmad Reza said, Telkom always prioritizes data security and continues to strive so that PeduliLindung can meet all community needs in the midst of a pandemic. "In the process of developing PeduliLindung, Telkom always emulates best practices from other countries that already have digital tracing applications. We take these positive values ??and develop them completely independently, without foreign interference, until PeduliLindung was launched. We will continue to develop PeduliLindung in order to create optimal comfort for the community," Reza said.

According to Reza, now is the time for the community to help the government deal with the Covid-19 pandemic, one of which is by starting to use PeduliLindungi in their daily lives. In addition, the public is expected to reduce the production and distribution of hoaxes and misinformation related to PeduliLindung so that conditions remain conducive. PeduliLindung is a government tool in tracing and has now become one of the health protocols in public areas to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic while at the same time supporting the government's efforts to keep the economy going. 

Telkom issued the appeal after various hoaxes and misinformation about PeduliLindungi went viral on social media. These various hoaxes and misinformation are ironically voiced by public figures and social media activists.

"It is now clear that data processed by PeduliLindung is secure, they are maintained and processed independently in Indonesia. We hope that the community, public figures, and social media activists would be more considerate and more careful when expressing their arguments or opinions about PeduliLindungi’s data security. All opinions expressed must be based on clear evidence and facts, so they will not mislead the public and hinder Indonesia's efforts to end the COVID-19 pandemic," Reza said.

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