Telkom Crowned as Best Leader Factory 2020
Posted on : 2020-12-01 | Tags :

Jakarta, 1 December 2020 – PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (Telkom) won first place in Indonesia Best Companies in Creating Leaders from Within 2020 with a score of 92.44. With this total achievement, Telkom was able to beat 26 finalists, 60% of whom were state-owned enterprises, such as Bank Mandiri, Pertamina, BRI, and Sucofindo, which trailed behind as the Top 5. Telkom also won the top position in the infrastructure sector, with state-owned electricity company PLN, state-owned port operator Pelindo III, and state-owned toll road operator Jasa Marga.

Indonesia Best Companies in Creating Leaders from Within 2020 was organized by SWA Magazine in collaboration with NBO Indonesia, involving a team of well-known public figures as judges such as Amir Abdul Rachman (former President Commissioner of MNC Land), Elia Massa Manik (former CEO of Pertamina), Josef Bataona (former HR Director Unilever), Irham Dirmy (Deputy of the State Civil Service Commission), and Susanna Hartawan (Managing Director of NBO Indonesia).

Telkom was recognized as Best Leader Factory 2020 based on a set of criteria, namely Vision Mission and Framework; Leadership Development Program; Implementation and Execution Program; Leaders Born from Within; and Business Impact. Telkom earned the merit because it has a systematic and continuous talent management, which supports the company's strategic goals and for its executives and senior management’s emotional commitment in developing this talent.

"Thank you to the organizer and the team of judges for appreciating Telkom in managing our human capital. This award is more than just an appreciation for us, it is also a calibration to know that Telkom is on the right track, especially in creating the best future leaders for the company," Telkom Human Capital Management Director Afriwandi said in Jakarta (1/12) .

In his interview with SWA Magazine in Jakarta last week, Afriwandi said that Telkom is transforming into a digital telecommunications company that focuses on three business domains, namely digital connectivity, digital platforms and digital services. It also requires Telkom a transformation in creating leaders who are able to lead in digital business. Therefore, Telkom recruits young people to be able to adjust to the new capabilities required. "These young people are Telkom's capital to produce digital talents. Out of the 25 thousand TelkomGroup employees, about 14,500 or 58% of them are young people," Afriwandi said.

The State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) Ministry also mandated Telkom to become a digital capability enabler to meet the other SOEs’ needs of talents. This is part of the efforts to make one of the ministry’s priorities a success, namely preparing leaders and digital talents for Indonesia so that they can compete and are on an equal footing with talents other countries, especially in the digital technology development and marketing.

There are at least five strategies that Telkom implements in creating digital talents, namely talent acquisition by grooming talent internally and external pro-hire; talent development that includes leadership development, professional competencies, and functional competencies; career development in which Telkom recruits talents based on competence; performance management system to review and develop the talents’ skills that Telkom needs in accordance with developments; and reward management, namely compiling a remuneration system for employees.

In regards to leadership development, the AKHLAK core values Amanah ??(Mandate) - Kompeten (Competent) – Harmoni (Harmonious) - Loyal – Adaptif (Adaptive) – Kolaboratif (Collaborative) are Telkom's foundation in developing the leadership aspects of all its employees. Telkom is the first SOE to implement the AKHLAK core values ??and employees from 85 SOEs have also attended training at Telkom on the application of these values.

"This award surely strengthens Telkom's motivation to step up and perform better. With the workforce planning and strategy that we are implementing, we hope that Telkom can produce the best digital talents and digital leaders for other companies and for Indonesia in the future," Afriwandi said.