Telkom and Microsoft Strengthen Strategic Partnership to Accelerate Indonesia's Digitalization
Posted on : 2022-04-30 | Tags :

Photo caption: Telkom President Director Ririek Adriansyah (second from left) and Telkom Strategic Portfolio Director Budi Setyawan Wijaya (far right) posed for a photo with Microsoft Asia Pacific Vice President Sandy Gupta (second from right) and Microsoft Indonesia President Director Dharma Simorangkir (far left) after they signed a partnership agreement,  witnessed by Deputy II of Minister of SOEs Kartika Wirjoatmodjo (center).


Jakarta, 29 April 2022 - PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (Telkom) and Microsoft have signed a strategic partnership agreement to accelerate Indonesia's national digitalization, strengthen intelligent infrastructure, and accelerate TelkomGroup's digital transformation.

The partnership was made official at Microsoft's headquarters in Seattle, Washington last week where Deputy II of Minister of SOEs Kartika Wirjoatmodjo and Telkom President Director Ririek Adriansyah met with Microsoft Chairman and CEO Satya Nadella. This partnership is also a continuation of the memorandum of understanding that Telkom and Microsoft signed in August 2021.

Deputy II of Minister of SOEs Kartika Wirjoatmodjo said he appreciated the strategic partnership initiative between Telkom and Microsoft. Telkom, with its superior telecommunication infrastructure and services across Indonesia that reaches remote areas, and Microsoft as a leading global technology company with its digital experience and capabilities, can be a very good combination. By combining the two companies’ advantages, this partnership is expected to provide innovative services and can impact significantly to accelerate Indonesia's digital transformation.

This partnership also aims to support the realization of Telkom's vision as the preferred digital telecommunications company that advances society and empowers Indonesia's digital economy, as well as support Microsoft's Empower Indonesia initiative. Telkom and Microsoft will jointly explore new market opportunities, and empower organizations in various industry segments by leveraging Telkom's infrastructure.

Apart from developing intelligent infrastructure, another important element in this partnership is to support Telkom and its subsidiaries to carry out internal digital transformation with Microsoft. In this aspect, Telkom will accelerate the level of enterprise adoption of cloud-based services and a secure cloud environment, as well as increase competence through Microsoft training and certification. This will help TelkomGroup to increase employee productivity, simplify the collaboration process, automate work processes, increase customer engagement, create innovation, and increase the efficiency of operational activities safely.

“Building partnerships with tech giants is one of Telkom's strategic initiatives to strengthen its  portfolio, accelerate the transformation process, and improve the company's digital capabilities. The initiative to establish strategic partnerships with a number of global tech companies is expected to have a positive impact on Telkom's business development, particularly in the digital platforms and digital services domains. We really welcome this collaboration with Microsoftas it will benefit both parties, and more importantly, it can provide the maximum benefit to the digitization of Indonesia," Telkom President Director Ririek Adriansyah said.

In terms of intelligent infrastructure, Telkom and Microsoft will collaborate in the development of national intelligent infrastructure. The companies will explore collaboration opportunities on the use of Telkom's Hyperscale Data Center infrastructure assets to support Indonesia's digital transformation journey and several operational activities for Microsoft's upcoming data center region in Indonesia as announced in 2021.

President Director of Microsoft Indonesia Dharma Simorangkir said, “Technology is the cornerstone of industrial digital transformation. By strengthening collaboration with Telkom, we hope to be able to further assist Indonesia in every stage of the national digital transformation, and build personalized services that bring us closer to Digital Indonesia.”

In order to realize this commitment, digital talent plays a very big role. Therefore, Telkom and Microsoft have previously cooperated to improve digital talent skills, which are the key to the company's and the country's sustainable progress. Digital talent development in the future will remain one of the main parts of the partnership between Telkom and Microsoft.

Indonesia is projected to become the country with the largest digital economy in Southeast Asia by 2025. According to the We are Social report, the number of internet users in Indonesia has continued to increase in the last five years and by the beginning of 2022, this number increased to 204.7 million. This means that the internet penetration rate in Indonesia has reached 73.7%. Some of the most notable success stories are about Indonesia being the original home of several unicorns. Another noteworthy digital achievement is the number of startups, developers, and creators in Indonesia, who all work together to innovate in cloud computing to cover more than 17,000 islands in Indonesia.

