Support Local Entrepreneurs Upgrading, Leap-Telkom Digital Visits the Equator City
Posted on : 2022-04-26 | Tags :

Photo caption: Telkom Digital Business Director Muhamad Fajrin Rasyid  (second from left) met with West Kalimantan entrepreneurs, to whom he shared digital entrepreneurship tips and strategies to millennials in an event entitled 'Coffee with Millennials: Digital or Disadvantaged'.

Photo caption: Telkom Digital Business Director Muhamad Fajrin Rasyid (sixth from right) met with the West Kalimantan Provincial Government to introduce Leap's superior digital products and services, during which he was welcomed by the Governor of West Kalimantan H. Sutarmidji SH, M.Hum (fifth from left).

Photo caption: Telkom Digital Business Director Muhamad Fajrin Rasyid (left) with the Chancellor of the Universitas Tanjungpura Prof. Dr. H. Garuda Wiko SH, M.Si (right) signed an MoU on synergy  to utilize resources as a manifestation of Telkom's commitment to support the university to become a cyber university.


Pontianak, 26 April 2022 - PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (Telkom) through its Leap-Telkom Digital (Leap) brand remains committed to accelerate digitization in various ecosystems and in various regions in Indonesia. One of them is by collaborating and collaborating with various parties to ensure that digitalization can take place in  all sectors including government agencies and business corporations across Indonesia and now, Leap is present in Pontianak, also known as the Equator City. 

Telkom Digital Business Director Muhamad Fajrin Rasyid had a series of activities in Pontianak, West Kalimantan, including meeting with the West Kalimantan Provincial Government, Wednesday (20/4) to introduce Leap's superior digital products and services, namely BigBox, PaDi UMKM, SooltanPay, and Logee, to support government activities in providing the best public service. He met with the Governor of West Kalimantan H. Sutarmidji SH, M.Hum and his staff, who welcomed Telkom's initiative to develop digital products in the province, including to implement One Data and to use PaDi UMKM and SooltanPay platforms.

Muhamad Fajrin Rasyid thanked the West Kalimantan provincial government for their warm  and good response. According to Fajrin, there are approximately 335 micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) from West Kalimantan, Pontianak, registered with Padi MSMEs, with up to tens of billions rupiah transactions. "We hope this figure will increase so that MSMEs in West Kalimantan can move ahead and increase the value and quality of their businesses," Fajrin said.

To foster the spirit of digital entrepreneurs in West Kalimantan, Fajrin also shared some digital entrepreneurship tips and strategies to millennials in an event themed 'Coffee with Millennials: Digital or Disadvantaged'. The participants expressed their interests to explore opportunities for local entrepreneurs to advance to the national level. “To have broader exposure, you must have a global mindset. How your products can solve problems, not only in certain cities, but also across Indonesia, or even in the Southeast Asia region," Fajrin said.

Fajrin and  Chancellor of Universitas Tanjungpura Prof. Dr. H. Garuda Wiko SH, M.Si , signed an MoU on a synergy to utilize resources as a manifestation of Telkom's commitment to support the university to become a cyber university. Telkom also provided co-working space assistance and the MBKM Smart Village Tanjungpura assistance program to the university, represented by its Chancellor.  This is in line with the Leap’s program to accelerate the digitization of Indonesian society through universities as incubators of digital talent. 

Telkom also forged a One Data cooperation agreement on Thursday (21/4) signed by the General Manager of West Kalimantan Regional, Tedi Rukmantara with a number of regional Communication and Information Agencies. The signing of the One Data Implementation is the first step for Proof of Concept of BigBox, a Leap Telkom Digital product,  in the West Kalimantan Provincial Government, Kuburaya Regency Government, Sintang Regency Government, North Kayong Regency Government, and Melawi Regency Government, in accordance with Presidential Regulation No. 39 Year 2019 on One Indonesian Data.

Leap is Telkom's umbrella brand for digital products and services to accelerate the digitization of the Indonesian people. Leap is expected to support the growth of the digital ecosystem in Indonesia in order to accelerate the realization of national digital sovereignty, in line with the government's target in the next few years. For more information, please visit .

