Subscription Contract-Based Compensation and Penalty Waiver Policy for IndiHome Customers
Posted on : 2021-09-24 | Tags :

Jakarta, 23 September 2021 –  PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (Telkom) will compensate customers affected by the Sunday (19/9) disruption to the JaSuKa submarine cable communication system for the Batam - Pontianak section, in accordance with the applicable regulations. In principle, Telkom will compensate customers as stated in the contract agreed during the start of the subscription according to the customer segment.

Telkom Vice President Marketing Management E. Kurniawan said, "We will of course compensate affected IndiHome customers, in accordance with the provisions of each customer's subscription contract."

"Our main focus is customer convenience. Since 20 September, service has resumed for customers to use for their work from home and learn from home activities. Of course, Telkom does not want if the submarine cable disruptions to result in a decrease in customer quality. We have diverted service routing to other networks and currently focusing on accelerating the JaSuKa submarine cable repair and providing win-win solutions for customers. In addition, on IndiHome bills payment, Telkom will waive the penalty and postpone the payment deadline until 25 September 2021," E. Kurniawan said