Pijar Mahir Takes Part in Promoting “Talenta Juara” at the MilenialFest 2020
Posted on : 2020-09-16 | Tags : neucentrix

Jakarta, 16 September 2020 – Pijar Mahir, is a certified digital learning platform on information and digital technology that PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (Telkom) owns, participated in the 2020 MillenialFest by organizing Millennial Class which starts today (16/9), to support digital talents growth in Indonesia. This year, MillenialFest 2020 was themed "Talenta Juara” (Championing Talents), which aims to improve the millennial generation’s digital capabilities through various activities, including conference, virtual Millennial Class, and bootcamp. These activities will also serve as a selection process for the 100 selected participants who will be declared as the Talenta Juara winner. The Talenta Juara program will take place from September to November 2020 and millennials across Indonesia can participate in the event. Pijar Mahir is the platform used in Millennial Class activities.

Telkom Digital Business Director, Muhamad Fajrin Rasyid said, "Telkom believes that having superior and competitive talents is the key to accelerating development, in line with the national development policies direction that places human resources its main focus. The Pijar Mahir digital training platform is a manifestation of Telkom's support in developing smart Indonesian digital talents who can utilize technology to have a positive impact on the growth of the digital economy in Indonesia."

MillenialFest CEO Danial Iskandar said he appreciated Telkom’s concrete efforts to support the talents’ quality improvement through Pijar Mahir. "MillenialFest continues to reduce the digital talent gap between regions. We are proud to be involved in this collaboration. We really appreciate Telkom for supporting the Talenta Juara program through the Pijar Mahir digital learning platform," Danial Iskandar said.

Pijar Mahir has prepared six materials that experienced and competent mentors in their respective fields will use in the Millennial Class. The material is divided into three categories that participants can choose based on their abilities, such as the Business Model Canvas and Lean Start Up. These are the skills that a chief executive officer usually has and participants who choose the hustler category can sign up to learn them. The second material is the HTML Concept and Basic UI/UX, which a chief technology officer is usually skilled in and is designed for participants who choose the hacker category. The third category is Branding and Digital Marketing. This is a skill that a chief marketing officer usually a master of and suitable for participants who choose the hipster category.

The Millennial Class is open for 2,000 selected participants. They will be selected further into 400 participants, who will participate in the Bootcamp program. Materials for the Millennial Class are available on https://pijarmahir.id/milenialfest, scheduled for Java and Bali on 16-18 September, Sumatra on 7-9 October, Kalimantan and Sulawesi on 21-23 October and it will wrap up in Maluku, East Nusa Tenggara, West Nusa Tenggara and Papua on 11-13 November.

Pijar Mahir has collaborated with more than 20 institutions that are the best in their fields to conduct the various training topics, which range from technology, digital, marketing, and business, start-ups, to  entrepreneurship. These courses are designed to improve Indonesian workforce’s skill and competence in technology. All Pijar Mahir users will also get free 30GB quota for Telkomsel Ilmupedia package to access the course on the Pijar Mahir site.