Manpower Ministry Awarded Telkom for Its Resilience and Adaptability During the Pandemic
Posted on : 2021-05-03 | Tags :

Director of Human Capital Management Afriwandi (far right) after receiving the award from Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah for Telkom's efforts to persist, having zero accidents, and for being able to make adjustments, instead of laying offs employees  during the Covid-19 pandemic in an event to mark May Day or International Labor Day held at the Center for Job Training Development (BBPLK) Bekasi, Saturday (1/5).

Director of Human Capital Management Afriwandi (far right) after receiving the award from the Ministry of Manpower for Telkom's efforts to persist, having zero accidents, and for being able to make adjustments, instead of laying offs employees during the Covid-19 pandemic in an event to mark May Day or International Labor Day held at the Center for Job Training Development (BBPLK) Bekasi, Saturday (1/5).


Jakarta, 3 Mei 2021 – The Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia awarded PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (Telkom) for its efforts to persist, having zero accidents, and for being able to make adjustments, instead of layoffs employees during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Telkom received the award in an event to mark May Day or International Labor Day at the Bekasi Work Training Development Center (BBPLK), with the Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah and ministry’s top officials in attendance on Saturday (1/5). Apart from officials from state-owned enterprises and private companies attending, the President of Indonesian Trade Union Confederation, Eli Rosita, who represented the Leaders of Labor Union Organizations in Indonesia the Chairperson of the Indonesian Employers' Association (APINDO), Hariyadi Sukamdani, and the Director of the International Labor Organization (ILO) Indonesia office, also attended this hybrid event. 

In her remarks, the Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah expressed her gratitude for the entrepreneurs’ role who maintained to stay afloat despite the difficult conditions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. “We have to share and bear the burden with others. We also have to be convinced and believe that together we can get through this bad situation,” she said. 

Ida Fauziyah believes that recovery will be faster when it is faced together. "We must  join hands and rise from this difficult condition," she said. 

Telkom Human Capital Management Director Afriwandi who received the award from Minister Ida, expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the government, especially the Ministry of Manpower. According to him, the award serves as a motivation to improve industrial relations within the TelkomGroup. Telkom is the only state-owned enterprise to receive an award from the Minister of Manpower at the May Day event.

“This global pandemic has had a major impact on health, social, economic and employment. Along with the rest of the telecommunications industry, TelkomGroup also feels the impact. However, we are committed to zero dismissal. Even during the Covid-19 pandemic, Telkom was still able to grow positively, in financial and operational performances. This is due to our accelerated efforts to focus on digital businesses to provide the best for the community, including the company’s active role to continuously support the government's efforts to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic and to recover the national economy with connectivity, platforms and digital applications," Afriwandi said.

In 2020, Telkom was able to record a good performance by posting positive growth in revenue, EBITDA (Earth Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation, and Amortization) and net profit. Telkom posted a consolidated revenue of Rp136.52 trillion, which grew positively by 0.7% compared to 2019. The Company's EBITDA in 2020 was at Rp66.94 trillion with a net profit of Rp20.89 trillion, or double digit growth of 11.2% and 11.5%, respectively.

Afriwandi also said in accordance with this year's International Labor Day theme, he called on all TelkomGroup employees to work and come together and to innovate in building a better Indonesia.

“The pandemic has expedited digital transformation several years faster and this provides an acceleration space for Telkom. Therefore, TelkomGroup will continue to strive to offer the best digital solutions to assist the community and the business world to recover the national economy in line with our commitment to become a driver of Indonesia's digitalization. We believe that with digitalization, together we can face the pandemic and make Indonesia a better place," Afriwandi said.

The International Labor Day 2021 celebration occurred amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, thus the government campaigned for Recover Together tagline as the May Day theme, by carrying out various positive activities and in compliance with the health protocol. #MayDayRecoverTogether.

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