IoT Technology from Agree Helps Citronella Farmers Cultivate More Efficiently
Posted on : 2023-05-02 | Tags :

Telkom digital products enable users to monitor conditions in real-time from the pre-planting process to harvest.


Jakarta, 2 May 2023 – Various industrial sectors have benefited from PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (Telkom)'s IoT digital technology, particularly businesses in the agricultural sector. In this case, the Agree platform from Leap-Telkom Digital is collaborating with PT Agroobot Bangun Negeri (Agroobot) to implement internet of things (IoT) technology at DAB Subur, an agribusiness company focused on cultivating the citronella commodity.

Agroobot is a mobile soil laboratory platform based on IoT and Artificial Intelligence (AI) that monitors soil conditions such as texture, micro and macro tests, exchangeable potassium, cation exchange capacity, soil pH, and soil organic carbon. Agroobot utilizes various IoT devices, including Agrooscan, a portable soil nutrient testing and monitoring device.

In this collaboration, DAB Subur implements the Agrooscan IoT device, which checks soil nutrients by inserting a tool into the ground. Once results are obtained, users can monitor them in real-time from their smartphones, anywhere and anytime. This data enables DAB Subur farmers to assess soil conditions before processing, optimizing fertilizer use for improved production quality.

"The advantage of this IoT device, resulting from the Agree and Agroobot collaboration, lies in its portability, user-friendliness, and battery-powered energy source. Using this device for soil analysis streamlines fertilizer application, ensuring precise measures and excellent harvest results," Telkom Digital Business Director, Fajrin Rasyid said.

This collaboration between Agree and DAB Subur using IoT technology represents Telkom efforts to accelerate the digital ecosystem in agriculture. It introduces breakthroughs for Indonesian farmers, demonstrating their readiness to adopt technological advancements. This aligns with Telkom mission to promote sustainable infrastructure and intelligent digital platforms across all sectors. Furthermore, DAB Subur role as a market guarantor and Agree technology user has facilitated capital distribution to farmers, resulting in 0% NPL and 100% repayment.

"Currently, over 250 hectares of DAB Subur land are integrated into the Agree application, with over 60 hectares planted. Of these, more than 150 hectares are in Bengkulu, covering more than 40 hectares, and over 80 hectares in Banten, covering more than 18 hectares. Our future plan aims to target over 1000 hectares across various regions,” Fajrin said.

DAB Subur owner Wijayandaru said that he hopes that Agroobot technology from Agree would simplify farming processes from pre planting to post planting, enhancing cultivation efficiency and profitability.

In addition to IoT technology, DAB Subur has previously utilized Agree partner services and the Agree offtaker dashboard. Wijayandaru noted that Agree digital technology has streamlined farmer and land profile validation, facilitated monitoring of agricultural activities, identified needs for agricultural products and capital utilization. Through Agree Capital, farmers gain easier access to trusted financial institutions for capital needs.

"On the Agree platform, DAB Subur can also track harvest schedules, record harvest sizes, and monitor oil transactions. Agree Smart Farming technology supports DAB Subur in assessing land conditions and optimizing fertilizer usage by analyzing soil elements. Agree not only provides tools but also oversees the success of DAB Subur's citronella cultivation program with partners and off-takers. We are fortunate to be supported by the Agree team throughout the application, disbursement, and order processes from each farmer, contributing to the success of funding in DAB Subur and overseeing the citronella cultivation ecosystem program," Wiyandaru said.

As of 2022, Agree has been adopted by more than 75,000 farmers, breeders, and cultivators, collaborating with over 251 agribusiness companies and offtakers. As part of Leap-Telkom Digital, which encompasses Telkom digital products and services to accelerate Indonesian society's digitalization, Agree is poised to support the digital ecosystem's growth in Indonesia, aligning with national digital sovereignty targets in the coming years. For more information, please visit

