Encouraging Improving the Quality of Vocational School Graduates, TelkomGroup Cirebon Held National Fiber Optic Olympiad
Posted on : 2023-12-20 | Tags :

Dorong Peningkatan Kualitas Lulusan SMK, TelkomGroup Cirebon Gelar Olimpiade Fiber Optik Nasional

Participants in the vocational school-level National Fiber Optic Olympiad which was organized recently by Telkom and its subsidiary, Telkom Access at the Cirebon Telkom Office. 


Cirebon, 19 December 2023 – PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (Telkom) and its subsidiary PT Telkom Access (Telkom Access) Cirebon recently held a vocational school-level National Fiber Optic Olympiad at its Cirebon office as an effort to nurture the best digital talent. The participants were students from 15 vocational schools from Central Java, West Java, and DKI Jakarta, who passed the initial selection from a total of 50 schools invited. This Olympics was made possible thanks to a collaboration with KiDi (Digital Industrial Class) Fiber Optic between Telkom and more than 50 vocational schools throughout Indonesia, which is a form of Telkom's commitment to connecting the industrial world with the education community.

 EVP Telkom Regional III West Java Region, Saiful Hidajat said that this was more than just a competition, but also an effort to improve the quality of vocational school graduates so they would be more competitive at home and abroad. 

"TelkomGroup is trying to strengthen the link and super match between industry and education by organizing this Fiber Optic Olympics. The event is expected to help boost the nation's digital capabilities and level of digital adoption, in line with Telkom's vision of developing superior digital talent," Saiful said.

Telkom Cirebon General Manager, Ferry Zuljanna, said that the National Fiber Optic Olympiad was held to improve the quality of schools and their graduates so that they meet industry needs. Apart from Fiber Optics, Telkom also supports the learning process in vocational schools with the Internet of Things  Laboratory. "Today's industry demands have shifted, and we must prepare our students to face this. If they are not ready, Indonesian workers will find it difficult to compete with foreign workers," Ferry said.

This competition is a concrete step for TelkomGroup in filling the gap between industry needs and the qualifications of vocational school graduates. Telkom hoped that the results of the Fiber Optic Olympiad could have a positive impact on the development of education and industry in Indonesia, in line with Telkom's main goal, namely creating a more prosperous and competitive nation and providing the best-added value for stakeholders.

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