APJII West Java Regional Summit 2021, OSM RWS TREG III Introducing Telkom Digital Wholesale
Posted on : 2021-03-02 | Tags :

Bandung - OSM Regional Wholesale Service (RWS) Telkom Regional III West Java attended the Regional Work Meeting (RAKERWIL) of the Association of Indonesian Internet Service Providers (APJII) West Java which held on Tuesday (2/3).

Taking place at the Hotel Holiday Inn Bandung - while still implementing strict health protocols - the event was attended by more than 100 participants from 40 ISPs. On this occasion, Sony Budi Winarso as OSM RWS West Java said that currently Telkom is moving towards digital, as directed by the President and Minister of BUMN.

"Currently Telkom has three digital business domains; Digital Services, Digital Platform, and Digital Connectivity. We have been able to deliver several digital products such as the neuCentrIX Data Center, Indibox, neuAPIX, and SMS A2P" said Sony.

The 2021 APJII Regional Regional Work Meeting which was packaged in a one-day event with the concept of a discussion forum regarding the latest issues currently happening, was also attended by the General Chairperson of APJII Jamalul Izza. Rakerwil marks the end of the management of the previous West Java APJII chairman, Ageng Bagja Priyadi, who has served for the 2018 to 2021 period. In the management of APJII for the last 3 years, local ISPs have increased to 70 ISPs, which previously had 50 ISPs.

Telkom RWS Regional III West Java also opened a booth which was visited by more than 50 people as representatives of each ISP. As many as 25 ISPs that filled out the online survey distributed at the Telkom booth, expressed their willingness to hold the next meeting regarding the discussion on Telkom Wholesale digital services. (dnr)