Accelerating Indonesia’s Digital Ecosystem Development, Telkom Ready to Supporting Development of Singhasari Special Economic Zone
Posted on : 2021-04-10 | Tags :

Direktur Digital Business Telkom M. Fajrin Rasyid (kanan) menyerahkan cindera mata kepada Direktur PT Intelegensia Grahatama (IGT) selaku pengelola KEK Singhasari David Santoso (kiri) disaksikan Wakil Gubernur Jawa Timur Emil Elestianto Dardak (tengah) saat melakukan kunjungan ke KEK Singhasari, Kamis (8/4). Sebagai bentuk komitmen dalam mendorong percepatan pemanfaatan teknologi ICT serta pengembangan ekosistem digital di Indonesia, Telkom siap dukung pengembangan Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus (KEK) Singhasari, yang merupakan KEK pertama di Indonesia dengan zona pengembangan teknologi.


Singhasari, 8 April 2021 – As manifestation of its commitment to encourage acceleration of the use of information &  communication technology and digital ecosystem development in Indonesia, PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (Telkom) is ready to support the development of the Singhasari Special Economic Zone (SEZ), which is Indonesia’s first SEZ with technology development zone.

Telkom Digital Business Director M. Fajrin Rasyid assured this support during a visit to Singhasari SEZ (8/4). This visit is the initial step to explore cooperation between Telkom and PT Intelegensia Grahatama as the Singasari SEZ Development and Management Business Entity (BUPP). "Telkom is ready to collaborate in SEZ Singhasari’s digital innovation development to support its future development plan as a Digital Innovation Hub," said Fajrin.

Fajrin added that creation of innovative ideas that have the potential to become a sustainable and profitable digital business must have constant support from various parties so that acceleration of ICT technology use in general and the digital ecosystem development in Indonesia can continously accelerate. Telkom, which is transforming into a digital telecommunications company with a focus on the business domain of digital connectivity, digital platforms, and digital services, will support and become an enabler to develop these innovations.

Singhasari SEZ was established in the Government Regulation (PP) No. 68 of 2019 on 27 September 2019. It consists of a tourism zone and a technology development zone. PT Intelegensia Grahatama's plan in developing the Singhasari SEZ as a digital innovation hub is specifically expected to build the digital ecosystem as a driver of innovation and creativity in digital development. It is also expected to become a pilot project for an integrated digital ecosystem development in accordance with the concept of smart area. 

“We expect that through digitalization and the digital ecosystem that Telkom provides, we could accelerate Indonesia’s progress to become better and its presence as Southeast Asia’s largest digital economy,” Fajrin.