
Telkom supports the development of micro, small and medium enterprises in Indonesia with various programs that can assist the MSME in gaining the access to business capital and trade market. It can also help to increase the business competency of MSME

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Rumah BUMN or RB Telkom is Telkom's CSR program to assist Indonesian MSMEs in facing various challenges such as access to capital, access to markets and increased competence. With this program, MSMEs can collaborate with BUMN companies to build a Digital Economy Ecosystem. RB provides competency access to MSMEs through training, seminars and workshops. Access to capital from partnership programs, people's business credit, and environmental development from state-owned companies, then RB provides MSMEs with access to the trade market through various platforms, such as the Digital Market (multichannel marketplace), Bonum (digital cashier), Qren (digital payment).

Currently, Rumah BUMN Telkom has been operating in 43 cities / regencies. More than 5,000 trainings have been conducted to assist MSMEs. The main programs of Rumah BUMN Telkom are "Go Modern" "Go Digital" and "Go Online". Go Modern is about business modernization, such as branding, packaging, finance, business permits, and others. After that, Umkm will enter the Go Digital level, where Umkm will learn about business digitization, such as social media and several digital applications. Finally, RB helps MSMEs to join the marketplace, so that they are able to reach a wider market at the Go Online level. Those few umkm who are able to reach this level and have excellent performance, we call "UMKM Champions"

Until now, the number of MSMEs that are members of the Telkom RB is more than 31,000 MSMEs. Where 25,200 MSMEs or 81% of the total MSMEs joined, have been successfully promoted to Go Digital, and 3,744 of them have been successfully promoted to Go Online.

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